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A brief history


In 1936, Sister Dora Baudinet, a School Nurse and Miss Margaret Reid, an Infant School Headmistress conceived the idea of establishing a holiday camp in Tasmania along the lines of a similar camp they had seen in New Zealand.  Sister Baudinet was the driving force behind fund raising and furthering government and community interest in the project. Sister Baudinet died in1945 leaving most of her assets (including 10 acres of land at Howrah) to the project.


The Tasmanian Sunshine Centre was built on the bequeathed land in 1951. The home quickly proved its value in providing much needed holidays and respite care for children from throughout the state.


The centre operated successfully for over 24 years receiving support from schools and the Tasmanian Teachers Federation, until rising costs caused it to close in February 1976. The Clarence Lions Club, believing in the community need for the care provided by the centre, undertook to finance the Association’s shortfall for a period of 2 years. Accordingly, the Centre reopened in 1976. The support continued until 1980 when continuing cost increases brought about its final closure.


In 1985 the Centre was sold to the Clarence Council for development as a community centre.


 The money received was invested by the Tasmanian Sunshine Association Inc, to continue to provide funds for “...the health, happiness and general welfare of less privileged children in Tasmania”.


Three regional committees were formed in 1992 to promote closer communication between the Association and the community. These committees receive funding from the interest generated by the Tasmanian Sunshine Association Inc funds now managed by the Tasmanian Lions Foundation. The Association is receiving ever increasing requests for assistance. To meet this need and ensure that the charitable work of the Sunshine Association is sustained into the future, additional funding through public donations and bequests is encouraged.

We would like to recognise our 4 Honorary Life Members: Phil Rackett (dec ), John Errey, Phyl Batchelor and Rip Shield. Phil, John and Rip dedicated around 30 years of  service each to the Sunshine Association.


Copyright Sunshine Association of Tasmania Inc 2023

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